'Dining' as told by Martin Gauthier:

Lucie Michot Gauthier was called Mother Lou by her grandkids, her sisters called her Lou.  She was taller than Peter, very proud, very proper and demanded decorum in her home.  The grandchildren had to graduate to the dining room table after years of eating with the other children at the kitchen table.  Perhaps this was a matter of design, perhaps it was the reality of the size of the dining room table.  In any case, we knew where we were in the graduation order.  It seemed to certainly be by age.  Maybe they were dying off in the dining room, or moving off, but we all eventually made it there.


'Hunting' As told by Ishmael Gauthier:

Ishmael was the oldest of the six children and had the chore of bringing in the firewood and getting the wood stove ready for his mother to cook each morning.  Occasionally she would get up early and leave the house with her .22 rifle over her shoulder.  Rabbit and squirrel were not an uncommon meal since Lucie was an excellent shot.


'Run Away'  As told by Ishmael Gauthier:

One of the children, I think it was Louis Ray, became unhappy with mother and decided to run away from home.  She said  "go...leave...but you'd better be home for supper."  He was.